In Chemistry, Biology, And Nutrition, Fat Means Any Ester Of Saturated Fatty Acids, Or A Combinat …

When we say fat, we imply weight, since fat cells are part of the fat layers (subcutaneous fat) that cover most of our bodies. But what really defines fat is how it’s used and consumed. For example, some fats are actually good for your health: the omega-3 fat found in fish is one example. But most of what we call “bad fat” or “fats” are actually saturated or partially saturated fat, and are known or symptoms of diseases such as heart disease.

In general, unhealthy fats (including industrial vegetable oil, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, etc.) are oxidized slowly in a lab to give off free radicals, damaging cell membranes and causing disease. This is why you often get “fatty” tastes in things like coffee, chocolate, and vinegar. In fact, it’s not just taste; the oxidization process robs fat molecules of their electrons, which prevents them from



A perfect example of unhealthy fat is industrial processed flour, which is so high in calories and low in nutrients that many people think it is worse for you than regular whole eggs. However, whole eggs contain good dietary fiber, protein, calcium, and B vitamins, while industrial flour is low in all of these nutrients, but primarily contains B vitamins and a little bit of phosphorus and potassium. Industrial flour is also loaded with trans-fats, which are made from vegetable oil, sunflower oil, and hydrogenated oils; and they provide almost no nutrients. Yet whole eggs contain high levels of vitamin E, an antioxidant containing powerful compounds called lipids and cholesterol, which are important to good health.

Oils, whether natural or commercial, are another source of fat. Many vegetable oils are loaded with unhealthy fats that will clog arteries, increase risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, while others are beneficial. When selecting olive oils, choose cold-pressed oils; virgin olive oils contain fewer fats and are much higher in nutrients. If you cook with olive oil, choose a cold-pressed variety, which is more healthy.

Extra virgin olive oil is a very nutritious fat with numerous health benefits, including boosting brain function, improving circulation, lowering cholesterol, reducing blood pressure, and increasing the longevity of meal plan your cells. It is also one of the highest quality protein sources available, as well as being high in antioxidants. Even better, it has no trans fats. Extra virgin olive oil is an choice for your diet.

Mono-unsaturated fats are usually found in nuts, seeds, and fish. They provide essential fats and some vitamin E, but are largely inactive. These fats can be harmful if eaten in high levels, because they can build up on artery walls and raise blood pressure. However, monounsaturated fats are beneficial, as they are the most polyunsaturated fats available, providing both omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. Monounsaturated fats are particularly important for people suffering from depression. They are also important for people following a low-carb, high-fat or vegetarian diet, because monounsaturated fats are better absorbed by the body than other fats.

Eggs are another good fat, offering both protein and several nutrients, including vitamin K, which is important to maintain a healthy heart. But when you cook eggs, make sure you use the least-saturated egg product possible, and remove the yolk until you just have eggs white leftovers. Remove the yolk, mix in some cheese, and serve the cheese and egg salad as a dessert.

A final key food to eliminate in your diet is trans fat. It is the ingredient in margarine and shortenings and may also be found in chips and cookies, especially those which are made with hydrogenated oils. Trans fat is a health threat that should be avoided. It raises LDL cholesterol, which is linked to heart disease and cancer. While there are no strong studies linking saturated fat to these types of cancers yet, taking a healthy diet that eliminates all sources of trans fat may help to keep your arteries healthy